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A day in NYC
D. Colin logo

Multidisciplinary Artist

Poet. Visual Artist. Educator.

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A reading journey of new poems, reflections about my 365 Journey, and the occasional op-ed

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A listening journey of my poems, process, live performances and personal discovery


A visual journey of my studio practice, performances and behind the scenes

Join my Patreon community

As an independent artist, I rely on the support of my community to continue creating. By becoming a patron on Patreon, you can help me sustain my creative practice and receive exclusive rewards in return. Your contribution, no matter how small, makes a huge difference in allowing me to pursue my passion and share my art with the world. Thank you for your support!


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Looking for help with your writing? Your book? Your creative dream? Book a service!

  • a therapeutic writing session for your self-care journey

    1 hr

    100 US dollars
  • a creative exploration to get inspired, get started, and get feedback ...

    1 hr

    100 US dollars
  • Working to elevate your writing

    1 hr

    page # + feedback hr
  • 12 weeks of 1:1 sessions centered on your creative dream

    1 hr

    500 US dollars
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